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Home » PlayStation 6: AMD supplies the chips

PlayStation 6: AMD supplies the chips

  • Tobias 
  • News
  • 3 min read

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In an exciting development for the gaming industry, AMD has once again emerged as the preferred chip supplier for the upcoming PlayStation 6. This news follows reports that Intel has lost the competition for the chip contract for Sony’s next generation console.

According to the latest information confirmed by both Stadt-Bremerhaven and ComputerBase, AMD will supply the central processing unit (CPU) and graphics processing unit (GPU) for the PlayStation 6. This marks the continuation of the successful partnership between Sony and AMD that began with the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.


Sony’s decision to once again rely on AMD comes as no surprise. AMD’s chips have proven to be extremely powerful and reliable in recent years. In particular, the Zen architectures developed by AMD for CPUs and the RDNA architecture for GPUs have proven themselves in the gaming world and have been praised for their high performance and energy efficiency.

The chip contract for the PlayStation 6 represents a significant win for AMD, especially after Intel recently failed to secure the deal. According to reports, Intel could not compete with AMD’s technical specifications and price/performance ratio. The decision to favor AMD is seen as a strategic move to ensure that the PlayStation 6 is state of the art and meets the demands of the modern gaming landscape.

Effects on the market

The confirmation that AMD will supply the hardware for the PlayStation 6 has already made waves in the gaming industry. Analysts expect that this will not only influence competition in the console market, but also further strengthen AMD’s position as a leading gaming hardware supplier. The partnership could also have an impact on the pricing and availability of AMD products in the coming year.

For gamers, this means they can look forward to a console that is expected to be equipped with the latest technology to deliver an even more immersive and powerful gaming experience. The exact specifications and features of the PlayStation 6 are still awaited, but the choice of AMD suggests that Sony will continue to rely on cutting-edge technology.

The renewed collaboration between Sony and AMD is a significant step for the upcoming PlayStation 6 and underlines AMD’s continued innovation and market leadership in gaming hardware. While details on the PlayStation 6 are yet to be released, the decision to choose AMD as a key supplier is a clear signal for the future of console gaming technology. The gaming community can look forward to seeing what new possibilities and improvements the next generation of Sony’s PlayStation will offer.


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